Posted on August 29, 2009
Fishing and Relaxation
After Chicago we drove 4 1/2 hours up to Michigan to visit my dad. Unfortunately, the weather was not very nice which provided us an opportunity to just relax. My dad and Randee made us really good breakfasts every morning and Lars, my sister, and Matt came up for the weekend. We went trolling for fish each evening and did a bonfire a few nights. It was nice to spend some time with my dad and have Sebastien meet him. Sebastien also rode a jet ski and threw a football for the first time. Unfortunately, the jet ski broke down the first solo ride Seb took. After 5 days there we were ready to start the trek home. Our last stop before heading back to San Diego was to spend a couple of days with my GiaGia (Greek for grandma) and another evening dinner at the Davis’s. Auntie made us steak and cheese cake… oh my was it delicious!

Lars and Seb
After 20 days in the Midwest and out of our routine we were anxious and excited to get back home. When I saw the Pacific a big smile came over my face. As soon as we landed we got a cab, took the motor cycle to check the surf, and then grab our boards and wash our energies in the Pacific. It was a wonderful trip and I look forward to more puffin adventures.